There's a lot of fear and anxiety in the world today and we are living in unprecedented times. These low vibrational states create stress, making your immune system weaker and more vulnerable. It has never been more important to stay healthy with a strong immune system. What we all need to focus on, is what we can do to improve our immune system because it is our first line of defence against viruses and other invaders.

There is no question that sleep is a vital part of staying healthy. It is important therefore, to understand how sleep affects the immune system. A good night's sleep could be your best defence against colds, viruses and other pathogens.

Do you want a stronger immune system by simply getting better sleep? If yes, then check out the online 7 Day Video Series - Boost Your Immune System with Better Sleep.

What You'll Learn

  • How sleep affects your immune system
  • How sleep affects your gut and your sleep biology
  • How can circadian rhythm influence immune response
  • Why starting your day off well can have a positive impact on your sleep
  • What you should NOT do when you first wake up in the morning
  • The critical elements to winding down in the evening 
  • The best and proven daily practice you can do to boost your immunity
  • Best hacks to get you to sleep fast
  • How technology is negatively impacting us and your immune system
  • Night time snacks to boost your sleep hormones and reduce stress

Each day you will receive an email about the next video in your 7 day video series. Each video will contain information and knowledge about sleep and the immune system to help you better understand and appreciate why sleep is so important. You will also get a daily practice that you can put into action right away and some tips/tricks and hacks to get you sleeping naturally.


You will receive two additional eBook bonuses!!!

Bonus#1: Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Health

Bonus#2: Health Bandit - 5 Ways Insomnia Steals your Health and Fitness


Improve Your Sleep Free Gift

Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Health

You already know that sleep is important. Without adequate amounts, you feel sleepy. You may also experience other obvious signs and symptoms such as crankiness, headaches, and/or trouble concentrating. However, there are even more serious consequences of not getting enough shut-eye.

Here's what you'll discover:

  1. Why Sleep is so important and when you start to understand sleep, you will appreciate it more.
  2. How nutrition can promote brain chemistry to maximise your sleep
  3. The sleep process at night and how you can use this knowledge to determine your sleep proficiency.
  4. Sleep problems you may encounter and what you can do
  5. How you can improve your sleep environment for better sleep


Health Bandit

Health Bandit - 5 Ways Insomnia Steals your Health and Fitness

Many people are not aware of the health robbing effects of getting too little sleep. We are a population of overworked, over scheduled people, always trying to cram as much into our days as we possibly can.

Here's what you'll discover:

  1. How Insomnia Slows Weight Loss And Muscle Growth
  2. How might you be at risk for diabetes?
  3. Can lack of adequate sleep lead to obesity and a higher body mass index
  4. Is there a risk of heart failure?
  5. How sleep can compromise your immune system

About Johann Callaghan

Johann Callaghan

Certified Health and Sleep Science Coach, Johann Callaghan, is a bestselling Author, Speaker, Online Trainer, Entrepreneur & Mum. She has featured many times in the media on radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. Johann’s first book ‘How to get a good night’s sleep’ has been a major success in Ireland and across the world. Award winning entrepreneur, Johann gives seminars, workshops and online training in sleep, health & wellness and is a go to sleep expert.

Johann believes that we can be our own health care advocate and anybody with the right attitude, knowledge and inspiration can sleep better and improve their quality of life. Johann Callaghan is passionate about empowering you to discover how you can take back control of your life with conscious awareness and healthy living. Johann will help to educate, empower and inspire you to optimise your life with better sleep so can stop struggling and get the sleep success you desire.

Get instant access to our video training packages. 

Get video training packages with bite-sized modules, the most sleep-deprived person can follow. Grab the forever package and get access to 7 daily  empowering and inspiring videos with practical advice and tips, daily practices, downloadable audio, transcripts and bonus materials. Empower yourself to boast your immune system and energy with better sleep!

>> Select Your Best Package  <<

Basic SLEEP challenge package

Quick start with Bonuses

$47  $25

  • 7 Daily  Videos
  • Downloadable Transcripts & Audio Files
  • Daily Practice
  •  Ebook - Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Life
  •  Ebook - Health Bandit
  • Lifetime Access

The Ultimate package with my personal support

$250 $125

  • Popular Package Plus...
  • 1 hr Sleep Strategy Call

Are you tired of being tired? 

You are just one step away from having a good night's sleep again, just like when you where a baby. 

Remember sleep is a natural process. Make small changes and you will be on your way to making a big difference to your sleep and your life!

Optimise your life with better sleep and finally having sleep success you desire!

Affiliations and Appearances

Johann Callaghan - The Sleep Success Coach

@ 2025 Johann Callaghan. All rights Reserved                 Private Policy | Disclaimer