Psio Glasses – Light Therapy And Audio Relaxation Device

Psio Glasses - Light Therapy And Audio Relaxation Device

PSiO is the first combined lumino and relaxotherapy device. PSiO technology combines a pair of light therapy glasses and an MP3 player synchronizing sounds and lights for a unique relaxation experience. The use of PSiO aims to recover from fatigue, fight against the states of seasonal depression, fall asleep naturally or to practice a deep relaxation session.

Thousands of users around the world use this well-known technology today. Thus, for more than 30 years, this technique has been used in university clinics as rapid relaxation in very stressful environments in operating rooms or sleep laboratories.

A Scientifically Proven Solution With No Side Effects. Unlike drugs, this method has proven after 30 years of practice that there are no side effects. PSiO has also obtained the certificate of total safety for the eyes by the French National Measurement Laboratory (LNE).

This system has been used with great success in sleep laboratories for over 30 years in Belgium (Brugmann clinics - Dr Guy Hoffman - and Saint-Elisabeth - Dr Albert Lachman -). Dr. Patrick Lemoine - sleep specialist, doctor of neuroscience, director of research at Claude Bernard University in Lyon introduced PSiO as part of his consultations for his most insomniac patients with impressive results.

Thanks to PSiO sessions, you will be able to fall asleep easily and sleep peacefully. You will also recover good mood and recover quickly. The pulsating colors associated with voices and music stop ruminating thoughts and naturally put the mind to rest.

Technology behind Psio


The technology behind the PSiO is based on the simple and well known principle of diverting attention also known as brainwave entrainment.  The constant thought process, or “brain chatter” is a well known source of stress, anticipation and or apprehension.  By eliminated that using AVS the user is truly able to relax, which will leave you feeling truly refreshed and energized.  Through the use of both audio and visual stimulation, AVS, the PSiO leads the user on a psychedelic odyssey to the edge of sleep.    While never actually falling asleep, the user is lead on a journey into a state of consciousness that has been known for over 500 years to be suggestive and therefore allows the user to work on areas of personal development and enrichment.  Memorization, information processing, concentration, relaxation, recuperation, jet-lag and other mental strains are just some of the areas AVS has been known to aid or strengthen.   This technique is becoming more and more popular with students and professionals to cope with the requirements of intense mental strain and the heavy fatigue that follows.


Wearing this special eyewear will help you relax and sleep better, according to Psio. We are all aware of what lack of sleep and stress can do to our body. One of the reasons we are stressed is because we can’t relax. The eyewear employs an alternative therapy called Audiovisual Stimulation (AVS). AVS is good for the following:

  • Autism
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Addictions
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Depression
  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Reduce Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Pain
  • PTSD
  • Skin Conditions
  • Weight Loss
  • Chronic Fatigue


Research and Further Links

Several interesting links from the « Research" section of the website

PSiO certificates

PSiO certificates can be viewed directly at the following link:

€25.50 (shipping)
Total: €431.00